
Monday 17 September 2012


The living room floor is finished; it took another 17 loads (so 48 in all).

After lunch we did 2/3 of the kitchen plinth; it was an absolutely impossible task. The area we were working on was 30” wide by about 16’ long and (as we can’t use wood) the shuttering was made from a bit of Gary’s metal roof and the floor of an old wardrobe, both about 30” high; we had to lean over the shuttering to tamp down on the concrete which was only about 3” from ground level – I couldn’t even reach the back of the plinth. We were both tired, the concrete wouldn’t level out and, to top it all, the ‘on’ switch of the mixer has started playing up. We didn’t finish working until 6.00; when we went down to the Bar do Clube for a very well earned cold drink, and sat at a table while all the locals turn around in their seats to look at us! I don’t think they mean to be rude; it’s just their innate curiosity, obviously as children they weren’t taught “it’s rude to stare”.

Pam came to Portugal with lots of films on her computer, she downloaded some onto our hard drive the other day (we reciprocated with Kindle books, thanks Steph those books have been a godsend); so this evening we watched ‘Chasing Amy’ the lead actress, Joey Lauren Adams, looks very like Renee Zelweger but I don’t think she’s related. It was pleasant to just relax and be entertained.

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